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Kahaku joins Fushi in order to protect him from the Bennett church as well as giving the immortal some assistance on the battlefield. When Fushi becomes wanted by the church, Kahaku suggests that Fushi takes on a different form to avoid bounty hunters for a while. After shifting through a few of his female forms, Fushi ends up choosing Parona's form, who Kahaku immediately falls in love with.

After traveling for a bit, the group is immediately ambushed by Prince Bon's army. Fushi is willing to surrender herself if it means Kahaku and the other Yanome clan will be spared. Bon agrees with this and allows Kahaku to be taken along as his prisoner. As Bon leads them to his father, Kahaku makes a note of the strange prince. When Bon warns that he should watch his tone since he would become king, Kahaku merely states that would be fine and Bon wouldn't be king in his mind. Bon storms off, declaring that he would tell his father when they get to the castle to which Kahaku muses at the prince's childish behavior.

Later on, as Fushi and the gang are getting ready for the Nokkers' attack on the city, Kahaku's arm goes out of control while he was protecting Fushi so that the latter can spread his roots. This forces Kai and the others to take him into custody and tie him to a chair. Shortly after Kahaku's successful escape, he is reunited with an exhausted Fushi who he tries to lend comfort to, suggesting him food, tie and telling him he will always be there for him while affectionately rubbing his cheeks. He then loses control of the Nokker in his arm once again. The Nokker attacks Fushi, resulting in the Nokker stealing his memories which the resurrected March tries to put a stop to. The Nokker escapes onto Ecko to seek protection from Kahaku. It knew he wouldn't harm her due to Fushi's care for her. He traveled to the Bennet church, telling them that the immortal devil is still alive, which results in them preparing hot iron to once again lock Fushi up in. The head priest questions his logic, having thought Kahaku to be on Fushi's side. The Priest jokingly questions him, asking if he had come here to die. Kahaku smilingly confirms by jumping into the hot iron. The Nokker attempts to save itself by holding on tightly, but Kahaku cuts it with his other arm, resulting in both him and the Nokker falling straight into the pot. He dies smiling, happily declaring his love for Fushi.
